M.D., Clinical Sexologist ISI,
Ph.D. Sexology IASHS,
Specialist Obstetrics/Gynecology,
Psychosomatic Medicine SAPPM
+41 44 233 30 30
Since 2011
Sexocorporel sexual therapy trainer
Since 2009
ISI certified supervisor
Since 2008
Co-Founder of ZISMed center for interdisciplinary sexology and medicine, Zurich
Since 2005
Founding member of Zurich Institute for clinical sexology and sex therapy ZISS
Since 2005
Instructor in postgraduate Sexocorporel sexual therapy training programs from ZISS
Since 2004
Presentations and Workshops at various Universities and conferences in Switzerland and abroad
Since 1999
Practice for sexual therapy
Since 1999
Practice for gynecology and obstetrics
Instructor in Seminar cycle sexocorporal sexual therapy for doctors
Senior physician Psychosomatic department of the University Hospital Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology of Basel
Since 2011
Certified Sexocorporel trainer ISI
Since 2009
Clinical sexologist ISI
Since 2009
Certified supervisor ISI
Since 2004
6 completed cycles of Sexocorporal sexual therapy training programs (P. Gehrig, Zürich, J. Y. Desjardins, Geneva and Paris)
Since 2004
Seminars in systemic sexual therapy, Ulrich Clement and David Schnarch
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) IASHS, USA, Dissertation «Women's Sexuality after Childbirth»
Sexology at the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, IASHS, San Francisco, USA
1 year training Sexual Counseling ZAK, Basel (Willeke Bezemer)
Training in solution-oriented, psychoanalytic-systemic psychotherapy, Prof. Peter Fürstenau, Zurich and Düsseldorf
Seminars in solution-oriented Psychotherapie, AISTB, Rosmarie Welter-Enderlin, Meilen
Residency gynecology/obstetrics, FMH title
Final Exam Medical School University of Zurich
Completed Psychoanalysis
1 year bioenergetic Psychotherapy
2 years Somatic Experiencing Psychotherapy
Concurrent Supervision in groups and individual